
By samsticks


Full-on day at work today and I've only just finished at 10:30. I'm giving a seminar tomorrow and still have things to go through, but I'm throwing in the towel for this evening. I've got everything prepped for the morning so hopefully I'll just be able to slap the last bits in and run through it a few more times.

With all that I'd not taken anything to Blip. Thankfully Gina was happy to provide me with some blippage after she got back from uni.

This is one of her two tattoos. It was done with bamboo in Pai, in northern Thailand. It took 3 and a half hours and looked exactly like this as soon as it was finished (bamboo doesn't bleed or scab like Western 'gun' tattoos). As it's on her back, she doesn't really ever get to see it so she was interested in looking at the photos. For me, it's now hard to image her without it!

I had mine done the day after this one, by the same guy. It's a very different style, but mine's for another time.

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