South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth


Found this moth lurking behind the net curtain this morning and I hadn't done any moth/butterfly photos yet, so I thought I would. Don't think it's come out too badly...

I've been searching through all our photo albums to see if I could find photos of the lady who has a 90th birthday celebration this coming week. I could only find one of her (which seems amazing as she's been at the church for years!) and about 3 of her harvest arrangement in church in 2003. A number are to be printed off from my son's PC by Photobox, (as he's been the official photographer for a few years of her flower arrangements for herself and her friends!) I will have a look at church on Saturday too, as there are a number of albums stored there as well.

I'm going down to the shop this afternoon, then will be typing up the church minutes which need to be put out for collection this weekend. The weather is gorgeous today, but a bit too hot out there I suspect! I've only stood briefly in the shade outside so far today!

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