Learning day by day

By EmmaF

First Day at Nursery

He was excited, honest. I think he is just a bit sick of me and my camera. I wanted a shot to go with Carys's first day at nursery. We left early, drove to school, walked to Nursery. When the door opened the first thing Mrs. Sheldon said was "Carys! Who gave you permission to grow!" I was amazed she remembered/recognised her after two years. William very seriously said "Mrs. Sheldon, Carys is six." When the reply came back "Is she really?" he replied very seriously "I not joking!"

We went in and hung his bag on a peg, Carys said hello to Mrs. Howard, who had been her keyworker, while I showed William where the toilets were and then settled him a table. I told him we needed to go and all he said was "Ok, bye Mummy." I had to ask for a kiss!

Carys and I raced up the hill to school and got there with time to spare. She got an Achiever award today in assembly (two years in a row she has got one in the first week of term) for a puppet show she did for the class, putting on voices and making them all laugh. She proudly came and found me at break to show me her gold sticker.

I managed to get to nursery in plenty of time to get William. He was full of it when he came out and talked all the way to swimming and I think probably all the way through his lesson and continued afterwards.

Mummy swam whilst William had his lesson. She realised that although at her best she can run for miles, she really isn't made to swim. Breast stroke, fine, crawl and I am gasping after 50m! After his lesson I was quite happy to mess about in the indoor big pool but W insisted on going outside. I was happy with this as it was at least 27 degrees despite the misty start to the day, but when we got sorted and went in the pool he refused to get in because it was too cold. "After lunch Mummy." So we had our picnic and he still refused to get in! After a little snuggle on Mummy's knee he decided it was time to go home.

Kids made the most of the last day of summer weather and played outside after school, they had tea outside and then played some more. I got them ready for bed and did stories and then Daddy took over for the hard yards of actually getting them to sleep whilst I went out for a run.

Heavy rain forecast for tomorrow. Bye, bye summer, you were good.

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