Life with The Pinks

By suzypink


Miss Pink's best friend (Godson 3) started school this afternoon. The cute pair walked to school together. Miss Pink was very pleased that Godson 3 would be there and to her delight another of her close friends also started this afternoon.
What did you do today?

Miss Pink; I played in the garden, I played doctors with Jemima in the play house. I played with play dough doh doh, but they only had red play dough. I did the cooking game with Aidan and Benjamin. One of those boys that you don't know had a coin in his treasure box. Can I have rucksack?

Master Pink; we went on the trim trail today and I went on that (pointing to basket ball thingy), I found our house on google maps in ict. I read horrid Henry. I bought a dairy lea Dunker from the snack trolley. Can we buy horrid Henry? What's for tea?

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