
It was a long and gruelling journey back from London last night. A hot, sultry day followed by over 4 hours in a carriage with no aircon. Extra water didn't really help. Then there was the numpty one row behind me, at the end of the carriage, who insisted on using his phone in the carriage, not the vestibule. The quiet coach is a deliberate choice. Why book it and then abuse it? We had words. The train was busy too but at least it got cooler as we went North. Not a lot of work done though.

And today has been 20 degrees cooler, barely rising above 9 degrees. Trying to rain and generally dreich. I saw the new tenants and handed over the flat.

Came home to finish painting the door jamb and attempt to track missing parcels.

My French cousin is here today. At her request it is fish and chips at mum's tonight.

The agapanthus mentioned a few days ago has now bloomed. The pruning I did on the rock rose means I can see it from the house. There's also pretty little cyclamen hiding is bushel under another plant I pruned, one beside the pond. And the oxygenating plants have arrived and are now in the pond. All go here, don't you know!

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