
By wingpig

breathe two three four

I did get a nice shot of Nicky's mum but I think I nice calming tree at the end of the day is much more suitable. I'll FTP the portrait up when I get back home.

Two venues utterly discounted, one given an Hmmmmm... rating and another (to be checked out tomorrow) is also likely to be Hmmmmm... and allotted further time for investigation. When we've chosen somewhere (note my subtle use of "we've" instead of "Nicky's mum has" there) I believe it would be childish but highly amusing to visit some of these places again and take the piss out of their extremely narrow-minded views about What Weddings Should Be Like. Maybe we could pretend we want the rings to be ferried up the aisle by a brace of live swans whilst a grouse whistles pan-pipe music. I'd also like to try and squeeze the occasional "I'd rather have Crazy Frog playing on a 3210 than have a fucking piper welcoming the guests" into a conversation with an hotel's wedding co-ordinator.

Not much time for anything normal today. Got some nice pictures of trees and a river but this isn't the best computer to attempt to do anything much with. After switching it on it's best to pop downstairs to make a coffee before attempting to use it. Until half an hour or so ago the sound of Deacon Blue at some sort of outdoor concert thing in Ayr racecourse was audible through the window. Might just be the acoustics but I don't think the woman singer could have been using her voice much during Ricky's solo years.

Best pop downstairs and be as sociable. Only half a day's worth of this tomorrow.

Deep breaths...

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