Return to the North

By Viking

Robin's Nest

Some friends of mine invited me up to their property today to go for a bush walk. They own a huge piece of bush which they are protecting and protective of. It was a fantastic walk - no real track other than the ones pigs make or hunters make chasing pigs. R was in front with his secateurs :-)
I was fortunate enough to take lots of lovely shots - I heard fern birds, saw brown tree creepers, grey warblers, bell birds, tuis, and this wee robin on it's nest :-) It was by no means the best shot of the day but it was what made my day :-)
Also saw wild orchids the size of your thumb nail which was cool.

I arrived home with soaking feet (due to going calf deep in mud at one point!) and aching after a 6.7km walk in real bush but loved every minute of it. So thank you R and S

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