Moor Darting About

Sorry about the pun (see yesterday's blip)! An interesting and fun day! We set off in lovely warm sunny weather, aware that there was a good possibility of rain later. Before long we had tangled with a bike race through the narrow lanes of the Dartmoor countryside! Having extricated ourselves from that, we went to have a little look at Widecombe. We were just a couple of days early for the Widecombe Fair. So not even an Uncle Tom Cobbly anywhere. Morning coffee, then up to look at Hound Tor, said to have inspired one Conan Doyle to write about a well known Dartmoor Hound. As is clear from the shot, the weather was starting to close in, so after a bit of a stroll and a bit of a soaking, we repaired to a craft centre in Bovey Tracey, which had a nice cafe. Of course I was obliged to have a Devon Cream Tea. Yum. Back to my lovely host's house in time for a fine supper, a glass of wine and Strictly on the telly.
Struggling to comment, but I will try and catch up when I get home, if not sooner.

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