Rumi's (not the poet) Idea for Filterama Monday

What started off as a rather simple idea turned into hours of fiddling again...who's idea was it anyway (Hobbs) to create this challenge?

Ok so from what I can remember how I made this
1. took photo
2. imported to ipad
3. used pip camera for lightbulb effect
4. took it back into computer and desaturated a bit......used a bit of detail extractor and other assorted filters till I was reasonably happy.

I have had another idea but as its getting late I dont have anymore time to fiddle here we are.

I have posted this from Rumi (not the dog) before....I felt it was rather appropriate for the type of day I've had.

Don't let them think that we've broken down;
That we've cracked up.
We merely dropped leaves,
For a further spring.

Rumi (not the dog)

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