
By Kangaroo

Squarama Filterama (The Double Challenge).

I offer apricot flowers. Never mind that by the time I got the elements squared up and filtered I had forgotten for absolutely sure it truly was or is the shot of the apricot flowers. Please leave a scribbled complaint in a comments box and I guarantee I will be pleased to learn what your problem is as long as it's not all that complicated and doesn't need funding.

Apricot ...after all of that, I discover the apricot is a species of the genus prunus, wouldn't you know it so that may explain my confusion when I uploaded all the images I took and after choosing which to use then got mixed up not being able to tell where the apricot and a stray plum tree's flowers began and ended in today's collection. I think that was hours ago.

Apricot on Wikipedia

Might I be in the grip of the repetition of a misbegotten youth (ponders)...

UPDATE: This is a link to Ambling Camera for the Square September challenge, a squared image for every day in September...

...and this is a link to antipodia for the Great Filterama Challenge for Monday

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