My Aim is True



A wander round town today. Although I work in the city centre, I am so busy the last few weeks that I rarely leave my desk. And it was a while since I had been in at the weekend.

So I had forgotten the assortment of nutters that one encounters roaming the streets. There were religious nutters handing out leaflets to some religious gospel singing nonsense (I also spotted their van driving around contributing to global warming and advertising their rubbish), there were chav nutters, bimbo nutters (or is that non-pc and we should refer to them as WAGS) wee-auld-wifie nutters, stag and hen nutters (are we still UK hen-night capital?), burst-sausage fact I was the only normal person!

I glimpsed this little oasis that had been set up on a very ugly traffic island for a few days. Amazing, it transformed a drab little corner into such a colourful exciting looking place. Although I imagine that "the wee frees" (who are infamous for their ridiculous attitudes) will not be too happy about people enjoying themselves. (aye, it's the work of the devil).

Took my two visitors to traditional local. Which they loved (who wouldn't?)

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