These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Evening stroll...

We have arrived at the final countdown until the W family will have a house of their own again! Their new house is having the finishing touches and they should get the keys on Friday, if everything goes as planned. They are about done with everything except cleaning the house up and putting in carpet, which is set for August 12th! So so exciting. We had a family stroll over to check out the house tonight and grabbed a picture of the five W's sitting on the front steps. What an exciting time!

I must admit, I will severely miss the laundry and dishes assistance around here, but do appreciate their need for a house of their own! We can't live together forever! :)

We started session 2 of swim lessons for Tyler today. He has grown leaps and bounds in his comfort in the water this summer. I've been a real proud Mom. He is actually capable of swimming on his own, if he could get his head out of the water. He can also float on his back all by himself. This session, he gets to have his good buddy in class with him. After lessons, we get to have lunch and play on the park for a bit, and Tyler is just so happy to get to hang out with his friends. Mia is too for that matter. Her good buddy is also there and they were very happy to get to play together today!

My favorite thing about Mia the past few days has been her night time prayers. She has fully embraced conversating with God and tells him every intricate detail of her day that she could possibly think of. It is the cutest thing I've ever seen. Tyler still prays about his toots. Not much I can do about that one.... At least he hasn't been keeping a running tally of his toots the past couple of days. That was one thing I could not handle!

Goodnight all!

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