These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Quick Family Portrait

It's taken over a month, but this evening, we got out in the yard, as a family, and sprinkled grass seed in the spots where we dug up the sprinkler lines! The kids got to choose heading to bed or helping with the seeds, and of course, they chose helping. They embraced it fully and were such good helpers. After the seed sprinkling, Josh and Tyler got in a game of PIG, I checked on my pumpkins and we snapped a family pic in front of the garden.

We had a busy busy day. This morning, we played at the park and had swimming lessons. Then, we came home and I got a wild hair to submit a picture to the fair. So, I spent the afternoon ordering prints, buying mounting board, picking up prints, leaving my adhesive spray at the store, buying rubber cement instead and getting the picture dropped off at the fairgrounds. We made it back just a few minutes late for Mia's swim lesson and then Tyler and I came home and enjoyed icecream. It was a busy and fun day!

That's all for now! Goodnight everyone!

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