
By Transitoire

Alors à bientôt

Arrivals weekend is quite optimistically named I guess, we could call it leaving weekend instead and make the whole thing even more depressing! So, we said goodbye to some lovely families, with cleaning some of those vans and also cleaning some in preparation for tomorrow’s mentalness…the most arrivals out of any day so far. Hopefully all with go to plan and we will have nothing broken. This photograph is taken on a walk after the madness had calmed down, so just before sunset…just a quick jog to get a picture, not going to lie. Romantic long walks are left for another time, and other place.

Eating our final dinner with Thom’s parents was, as ever, disrupted by new arrivals. I don’t think we have ever had a meal that hasn’t been interrupted by someone’s arrival on arrivals weekend. I suppose by now we are used to it. However the new families seem lovely, even though we are both sad to say goodbye to the old.

French lesson number two, one must now learn how to conjugate a regular ‘ir’ verb:-

Pronoun – Ending
– is
Tu – is
Il/Elle/On – it
Nous – issons
Vous – issez
Ils – issent

Choisir – je choisis, tu choisis, il/elle/on choisit, nous choisissons, vous choisissez, ils choisissent

Réussir – je réussis, tu réussis, il/elle/on réussit, nous réussissons, vous réussissez, ils réussissent

Finir – je finis, tu finis, il/elle/on finit, nous finissons, vous finissez, ils finissent

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