I am a ...????

Blippers can usually be relied on to identify plants. So what is this? It's growing well behind the summerhouse and has these pendulous flowers with white tips, although most of them have gone over.

After the 'up' of the week-end I felt 'down' this morning. #3 son had breezed in, and straight out, last night and #2 was off this morning in the car to Musselburgh this morning.

I decided to work at home this morning, to catch up on minutes and messages from last week. It was very productive. Also productive was finally taking the original I bought in KL to the framer. I think I stuck it away for so long because I spent a lot more than I'd intended on it (bad calculation on the exchange rate) but having bought it I may as well as flaunt it. And while there I bought two more prints.

The office was quiet this afternoon, only three of us in. I had a meeting with a prospective student before heading home, in the rain.

Home to a quiet evening in. I phoned the folks, married 63 years today. A great milestone, one I'll never reach. I've also finally got round to sending the newly found cousin in BC, Canada the family history info and some photos. Maybe one day I'll get to Vancouver.

It's a lot cooler and there is no doubt about it, the nights are fair drawing in and I still have a summer holiday to have.

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