Autumn Montage

Although I didn't have to go to work, work today there was still loads of work, work to do here after being away for a long weekend but I did manage to escape for a couple of hours and had a good walk round the local Butterfly Reserve here. Too late to catch any Silver-studded Blues but I did see quite a few of these above (?) but apart from lots of blackberries (wish I'd brought a bag with me), a few rabbits and a couple of dog walkers the place was deserted apart, of course, from my constant companion by the name of Herr Koff which is still hanging on.

The rest of the day was taken up with food shopping, cooking dinner, eating it and then flying off to do a Photography Workshop which I have signed up to for one evening a fortnight.

Home late just in time to blip and to say I'm so sorry to be so behind with looking and commenting. Wi-fi was useless at the pub and today has just got away too. Back to work tomorrow so hopefully ............ ??

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