Scattered Polaroids

By sp

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Had a massive lie in (that wasn't really one because I actually got up at 7.30 and had a small breakfast then went back to bed), then had a proper breakfast at midday.

G's parents took us to Blenheim Palace for the day. Had a picnic by the lake, walked to the column, then walked aaaaall the way round the lake (we didn't realise it was going to be such a long walk). We were accidentally there on the day of an open water swimming event, so when we got back to the palace we had San Pellegrinos and watched the swimmers staggering back to their cars. Oh, and we also watched a small child with a bouncy egg which was very entertaining.

Ruth and Jon got home in the evening and we watched In The Loop - and then had to resist Malcolm-Tuckering every sentence for the rest of the night.

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