This honey bee was gathering nectar from as many tiny flowerets as possible on these sedum blossoms today. I was happy to see this shot clearly shows the proboscis hard at work. The sedum is about the last flower in my yard that the bees have any interest in by now – everything else finished blooming a while ago. I’m hoping to get more late-blooming, bee-attracting plants into the garden by next year, but since the ‘bee season’ is nearly done for this year, I’d better post another blip or two of them before they’re no longer available.

Today I got my first picture of a bird in a tree!!!! – instead of at the feeder. So far, the leaves have been too thick to find them, let alone get a clear shot. I heard the tsk, tsk, tsk of a cardinal, and could tell the general direction, so I patiently waited to notice any movement. Finally he moved to a fairly clear spot and I was able to get three shots - two were blurry and the third isn’t the best - then once downloaded I see a twig goes right across his face. Dang! I want to just reach in there and snip it off! Good shot or not, I’ve been waiting for this day for months, so I’m posting it on Flickr.

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