Lighting Experiment

Today’s blip is more an exercise in lighting than having an interesting subject. This picture was taken at noon in intense, direct sunlight. At first with no camera adjustments at all, of course everything was blown out. Then I tried shading the flower which proved to be too dark even with increasing (+) the exposure compensation. Last I tried leaving it in the full sunlight with various negative exp. comp. settings. Having the true light with the exposure darkened proved by far to be the way to go. I need to ‘know’ what to do instead of just guessing – lots to learn.

I don’t know what kind of bug this is - it's very delicate at less than 1/2", but it has quite a shiny, light-reflective body so I thought it was good for my test today. It stayed quite still while I played around, and when it finally had enough, it just walked away to the underside of the petals and down the stem.

I also snapped a tiny, very pale spider - thought he was good to test lighting too as he’d absorb light rather than reflect it. Don’t check out Flickr if you don’t like spiders. :-)

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