Douglas Row, Inverness.

A few years ago my neighbour planted some of these attractive looking flowers*. A big mistake. They're highly invasive, and have really fine black roots that are much worse than the likes of even couch grass to get rid of. He largely removed them a while later... except for the ones that had sneaked into my garden, and periodically sneak back whence they originally came.

If you're going to plant them, then I'd recommend doing so in a highly constrained area. And even then it could still be risky. Not at all, is a better option. For now, I'll keep hoping to eventually kill them off...

Signs appearing about the town warning of forthcoming street closures again. Suspect it's the next phase of the flood prevention measures which will affect the likes of the area in which I took this (and, of course, numerous other Blips). Bank Street will be closed from next Monday until the end of November. There may be some big changes to how the river area looks. So Blip it now, for posterity. Then again, there are so many tourist snapping away in the area every day, that it may have already been done to death...

[The sign, lest anyone wonders in years to come,  is for "No Parking" at any time.]

* - Japanese Anemone - with thanks to Baron.

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