The mystery of the missing Kindle charger #3

Havelock Soames: 'Good evening Gentlemen, I am making enquiries about a missing Kindle charger. When you saw the Legodudes moving in next door, did you happen to observe if they had said item with them'?

Thorin Oakenshield (centre): 'Oh aye, something goes missing and you come straight to the ethnic minority. Well a pox on ye, we've not seen the wretched charger, now leave, yellow-skinned human before I cut your ears off and insert them in your nostrils'.

HS: 'Er....'.

Bilbo Baggins (left): 'Good sir, may I suggest you ask my friend Gandalf The Grey, he is incredibly wise and can most likely aid you in your quest'.

HS: 'Thank-you kind Hobbit, good to see not everyone in this house is drunk as a Lord'.

TO: '@*&%^*("! off you <^}~'.

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