The mystery of the missing Kindle charger #4

Havelock Soames (left): 'Sir, would you be the individual known as Gandalf The Grey'?

Gandalf: 'I am, although whether that is a blessing or a curse I cannot say'.

HS: 'Bilbo Baggins suggested to me you might be able to help me locate a missing item'.

G: 'Ah yes, the Charger of Kindle. Many have sought it, but none have been pure enough of heart to meet with success in their venture'.

HS: 'Your words are confusing sir, please elaborate'.

G: 'These are troubling times, a great evil rises in the Southwest whilst there are rumours of strange occurances in the Northeast. I have seen the fabled Charger in a vision, it is in peril, you must hurry kind noble.'

HS: 'Ah, you are a fellow opium user I see'.

G: 'I know not of this opium'.

HS: 'Er, forget I mentioned it. Where do you suggest I seek the charger'?

G: 'In a dark, forgotten place, put aside and abandoned to its fate'.

HS: 'Thank-you kindly'

G: 'Take this carrot, it will protect you. When the time comes to use it, you will know what to do'.

HS: 'Much obliged' then under his breath 'Definately opium user and a connoisseur at that'.

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