wooly wonders

By biblios

Tiger by the Tail

Daughter had to have a tigger onsie! had to! She slops about in it especially when she is feeling under the weather. Mind you we were standing waiting on the ice cream van and the rain had stopped! but we were not alone, and her mini me demanded a piggy back which was very surreal!

They were 'riding' round the square and being silly so I took their picture and the result looked so bizarre it had to be my photo of the day. But you may have spotted the lack of a tail, the onsie didn't have one! I am not sure if she is going to make one, but she sleeps in it often, and doesn't like to be seen in it. Mind you by the time we got ice cream the queue had got much longer and included several adults, some teenage boys, and a bouncy heap of primary age kids.

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