Clever Boy!

My day:

- Up to walk dogs at 6 am

- Off to the airport to collect our Finnish trainer Leena Inkilä at 7.45

- Met Leena in the airport at 9

- Went for another dog walk with Leena at 9.10 by the harbour in Kastrup - the dogs even had a little swim :).

- Went to see Den Blå Planet (Northern Europe’s largest aquarium) with Leena at 10. It was great. I have been there before, but it is a magnificent place, so worth seeing again.

- Went out for Lunch with Helle and Leena at 1 pm

- Took Leena to her B&B at 2 pm and continued with Helle to set things up at the Competition venue.

- Collected Leena again at 4.30

- Ran a competition, judged some classes and competed in other classes.

- Made the venue ready for the training weekend

- Came home at 11 pm!

Hero performed his new routine to day and he was such a clever boy. He won the advanced class. He has worked so hard recently to get this new routine ready for the European Championship in 2 weeks. He is an amazing boy.

Biscuit placed 3rd in the advanced class. He was a very good boy too.

Bedtime now... Night night
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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