Anyone heard of Oneonta?

This Blip shows the weather forecast for a place called Oneonta (although the data comes from a place called Binghampton) on two days:

The top picture is on Friday at 7:07 am , a slightly cloudy start and top temperature of 14°C. One of the horse (Millie) is out on the paddock, the cock crows from time to time, the cows moo from the barn, the crows screech from above but a generally good summer day.

The lower picture is for Sunday at 14:05 a much sunnier day and a warm 21°C but a very cold night at 2°C. Neither Billy or Millie or on the paddock (probably hiding from the flies) but notice the change - Fall has arrived.

So for all of you in upstate New York, from midnight Saturday you may refer to "Fall" but please not "Autumn". Places like Worthing, Co. Cavan, Poole, Taunton, Maidstone are still showing the summer scene. Sadly for my nearest point "Sontheim" in Germany "Herbst" has also arrived. However like the UK a place called Osny in northern France also remains in summer mode -Grrrrr.

The above are scenes for my prefered weather site "YoWindow" , It's quite a clever or rather fun application with loads of small interesting features - scenery changes according to season, wind direction is shown by the smoke comming out the chimney or direction of clouds, wind strength by the plants in the foreground moving, rain chages in intensity and noise, moon phases shown at night etc etc. One can apply to have one's own village included in the list if it's not there (I did for Sontheim) but my request for a black horse named Rosie is still under consideration - up to now only a grey and brown. I have many of the Blip and family addresses in my personal list and can always check up if you guys are telling the truth.

Well it rained again most of the day. Cellar is only a small problem now. Somehow the ground water level is playing games, probably due to the very dry months we have had. Somehow the water doesn't seem to want to get to lower levels. Nothing serious, just a nuisance having to check every few hours. Forecast is for a relative rain free day Saturday.

I mentioned we were to have overnight guests on Wednesday. Luckily given the cellar problems, this had been postponed until today. Angie collected Mona and her husband this afternoon and after hours sitting in an accident related jam, they arrived this evening allowing me time to cook a meal. We haven't seen Mona for some 20 years and had never met Mike. At midnight we opened a bottle of bubbly to celebrate Mona's birthday. Great evening and fantastic to have them here. Tomorrow Mona & Angie will hopefully have a good ride out on the horses. Mona used to ride Angie's now dead horse Nero, and was the best ever "horse sitter" one could ever imagine.

They have been trying to get back to the Munich area after being in Dresden for many years, Mike has a job here but there are difficulties getting a flat, an all too common problem around Munich. I think they may feature on Blip in the future. It will be good to have them around.

Very late post, ought to be getting up soon to cook breakfast. No commenting again! Have a relaxing weekend with feet up in front of the fire. For those near Oneonta, enjoy Sundays first Indian Summer (Fall) day.

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