Success at Sunset

Some days are so beautiful that they are hard to put into words. It didn’t look like the weather was going to cooperate this morning for my trek to the beach but it ended up to be spectacular. There were only a handful of people around and a big cloud or two rolled by with a sprinkle of rain but nothing that would get me to move from my seat staring out at the sea.
I read my book, I took tons of photographs and I played on my IPad. Hours passed and it felt like minutes. The breeze felt so good on my face. The waves would rise up and the wind would blow against them causing rainbows in the spray of water. I brought my yoga mat, and stretched out on the sand and stared up at the sky. It felt like a mini vacation.
Towards sunset, I walked down to the end of the boardwalk where people were fishing. The sky was just glowing with colors. Beautiful shades of pink and lavender. It was really breathtaking. I see so many wonderful photographs on Blip and I wonder how people managed to capture such amazing shots. Well today, I feel like I got a better understanding of the process. It is all about the waiting. If you are in a potentially good spot for a great photograph, just wait. It will come. Your patience will be rewarded. Today, my entire day was spent watching and waiting and I enjoyed every second of it!

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