
By EastTexasAngles


A busy day! I saw this flag waving merrily as I was picking up medication at the pharmacy. Mom has been taking B-12 shots for 6 weeks and is still anemic but is graduating to B-12 tablets.

I have been at my house with the dogs since 5 pm, but promised Mom I would return to her house tonight. Shingles are bothering her tonight and she has gone to bed. Tomorrow, one of her clubs is having a big event, so I have to help her get dressed and get her there by 1 pm. I'm just grateful that she is well enough to make these outings.

Using that Passport Sling bag, which is really a camera bag, but without the insert but with the E-P5 in its case, I have a "purse that I can use for personal items, wallet, etc and still have my camera with me at all times. I am loving it, though it is definitely a lot to carry.

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