tempus fugit

By ceridwen


...is the name of this curious little trading-post that seems to sell, as well as superannuated junk like a 60s radio with the front stoved in, quirky hand-painted signs to dot around your home. For example

"Family Rules: keep your promises, SHARE, say I love you, Mug Of Tea, Laugh, Do your BEST, use kind words, LOVE EACH OTHER"

That seems a good enough modus vivendi for anyone really.

The term 'pre-loved' is a handy one, putting as it does a positive spin on the old, the worn-out and the past-it, those non-essentials that retain some quaint charm and might at a pinch fulfil a passing need but don't require much input or upkeep and can easily be dispensed with and forgotten.
It's not hard for anyone to feel a bit pre-loved in later life.

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