A single moment in time

By WannabeAmateur

Special Day

Yesterday saw my baby brother Campbell get married to his now wife Pauline. It was such an emotional ceremony and lovely to see them so happy together. They are both very quiet and subdued but they can't keep the happiness off their faces in this one (this is genuinely the first time I've seen Pauline smile in 2 years!). I didn't have many photos to choose from as when you have two small children at a wedding there isn't much time for photography! But safe to say the boys looked VERY cute in their kilts.

It was also Rory's 3rd birthday making it doubly special, but shhhhhhhhhhhh...we have told him his birthday is today as he'll have a much more relaxing day with a party this afternoon. He was born at 11pm so we're not stretching the truth that much, but I did have a few special cuddles with him yesterday just for Mum :-)

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