
By Mikey88

Wild Honeysuckle

I got out early(ish) this morning and went down to the river for a walk. No ospreys or peregrine falcons around this morning, so not quite as exciting as the last but one trip.

All the house martins that I saw earlier in the week had gone, but there are still a few warblers about. There were several goldcrests flitting around in the trees, but they were a bit uncooperative, and wouldn't pose for me. Most of the shots from today were details and I chose the honeysuckle mainly because of the colours. I exposed for the flower, which made the background almost black and allowed the colours of the stem, flowers and the branch in the background to really stand out.

The afternoon was spend photographing butterflies in the garden (again!) while my wife worked on replacing some of the summer plants with bulbs ready for next spring and transferring chrysanthemums from the planters into the garden so we will have them again next year.

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