
By BethAndCo


We had an allergy visit today, a couple and their 3 children, all had no reactions to the cats and little Daisy got lots of attention, bless her. The dad held Eva while I was showing the children what to do with the waggle stick and how to give the cats treats, and she was full of smiles. Totally not fazed being held by someone she didn't know, my happy little babba.

When they'd gone, I gave her a big feed and put her down for a sleep and she had nearly 3 hours! I think that has to be the longest daytime sleep yet!

I could have sworn Eva said "Mom" today. She was generally making noises but I definitely heard "mom" a few times amongst the chatterings. I don't think Mike believed me when I told him though, lol. One of the sounds she makes a lot at the moment is "habooo" which I do back to her, and she says it again. I love our little garblings to each other <3

Love today's pic, Daddy and Eva cuddles. Mike was holding her upside down aswell and she absolutely loved it. She kept pushing herself back for him to do it again lol.

Because Eva had slept so late today, she didn't end up going to bed til late, around 9.30 pm it was in the end, and when I got down stairs, Mike cooked me a gorgeous steak dinner with all the trimmings, it was divine, hadn't had steak in so long!

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