Climb every mountain

Oh well, maybe just this one then.

While Roz, Alison, Amy and Mads went off down to Loch Tay, where Amy managed to cut her foot quite badly, the rest of us met up with Craig, Rachael and Dave to head up Schiehallion. That was my second hill in two weeks. Same for Dave, Rachael and Craig.

It was an awful lot more of a slog than the hill last week, but whereas last weeks hill was pretty wee, this was over three and a half thousand feet, as confirmed by Chris'a GPS.

It was well worth the walk though as we got a near perfect day for it and the views from the top were stunning, particularly westwards over Rannoch Moor towards Glencoe. I'm not certain but we decided it was probably Buchaille Etive Mor and the Aonach Eagach Ridge.

We were knacked by the end of it though. My knees were killing me after the walk down and that was with jogging some of the way to take the pressure off them.

We certainly earned the chippy we got from Aberfeldy later on.

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