
By Tryfan46

The Eden Project

Very much torn between this shot and one of Perranporth Beach towards which we were walking earlier this morning.

Today was glorious. From early morning till late afternoon was warm and sunny and a great day for visiting the Eden Project. I dare say there are many shots like this - the view as you enter the Project. I was looking for more interesting views but this does the place justice. Those of you whe have been there will appreciate the quality and the importance of what they are trying to do there, those of you who haven't really must go and see.

Only through places like this and the vision and dedication of the people working there can you contemplate the magnificence of the natural world, our part in its wanton destruction and the steps being taken to reverse our impact.

Like most places it is very accessible to people in wheelchairs and it was easy to push Doreen around the site and cheap too. Many attractions allow a carer to enter free when accompanying a person in a wheelchair. Very generous, quite at odds with Cornwall County Council who do not allow any consessions for blue badge holders in their carparks. Yes, they have disabled spaces but they have to pay full whack to park there.

As usual, you can see all the shots of Cornwall on my website.

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