
By Annieone

'365 Days Of Blips'..........!!!!!!!!

Well I can't believe it...was going to start 'back-Blipping' today and noticed that it is our 365th said I would have to do something special for it.....!
So...what to do???......I had no ideas...
This was Kittys idea ...he said write 365 in his Cat-Nip treats...
so I did.....(he doesn't like them....that's how I managed to take the if it had been in Temptations.....Do you think I would have had time)???????????

"Yes ..what is it Kitty?...I'm busy"......!!!
"'re always busy...are you ever going to Blip again....I'm missing my pals...
I had to Blip myself when you were away"!!!!!
"With S's help....right Kitty???.....You're not to hi-jack my computer again ok"!!!
"Right that you're back..I won't have to....but we're going to have to Blip everyday...."!!!
"Yes Kitty we'll the meantime I'd like to write something special to all our Blip friends this is a special day for us......"!!!!
"OK...won't you tell them..................."!!!!

So I would like to tell you all how very special you all are to myself and Kitty...
you all know who you are......and thank you for being with us and commenting on all our photos.....
it's been longer than a year as I started in May 2012....and I had no idea at that stage that Kitty would join me......but when he did we made a whole new bunch of friends.....such lovely cats (and of course their fabulous humans)!!..................
some of the 365 days have been tough and just Blipping has gotten me 'thru
such kind comments ..such thoughtful comments...such funny comments..
I've enjoyed them all.....thanks again..

And an update as to whats been going on!!
My Mam is home safe and sound from her respite care...everything went really well... and while she would rather not have been there..she did enjoy some of it..
it did her good..
and I had a great two weeks... the break in Northern Ireland with my friend was amazing....and the break down in Waterford City with my hubby was wonderful too..
we'll be doing it again!!!!!

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