Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid


*Some* of you may know that today, in the Indian State of Kerala (Southern state which they call 'God's own Country') is the Harvest festival known as Onam (pronounced O-num). There is a huge migrant population from Kerala in Dubai, indeed the UAE and other Gulf countries. Our neighbours right above us (who got the felt pads with their samosas yesterday) are from there and when I did my delivery, I got an invite(!) for me & G to come and celebrate Onam with them!

I am not proud to say it, but I am NOT adventurous with my food or one to try new things (no comments please). Ethnically, I am Punjabi and the food I was raised on was North Indian (Moghul cuisine). It is very rich and FULL of flavour and when people think of Indian food, that's usually what they have in mind. I've never eaten South Indian food (too much coconut), so today was a quite a big deal for me. I'm going to blame my Dad. He was such an amazing cook and he ruined my palette.

Had to go because G loves this stuff and was very happy to eat off a banana leaf using her hands. I, er, used a fork and spoon! Think I'm giving away too much here. Our hosts were extremely gracious and left me alone to eat whatever I was happy to. Really, it was a very good and happy evening.

I got my start date today - Sunday 22nd September - 8:30am!

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