Fairy Forest

I took a ride with my granddaughter to see if the motion of the car would induce a nap. I drove around for a good twenty minutes listening to the new CD I bought (Tinsley Ellis) on recommendation from fellow blip mate Roz before she finally gave in and fell asleep.
I found myself near the local park and decided to pull in and enjoy the rest of the CD while she slept. Of course I had brought my camera so I took a bunch of pictures from the car in hopes something would be worthy of my Blip tonight.
I actually had a tough time deciding between three different shots and when I say different, they could not be more so. I had a lake photo, a landscape photo and a grove of trees. I ended up choosing this one because it reminded me of a fairy tale forest. Maybe it was having an almost-three-year-old in the car that made me think of fairy tales or maybe it was just the look of this entrance to the picnic area. It had an almost ‘Welcome to the Forest’ look to it.
After the music was over and I had taken my photos, I went over to the Target store thinking my granddaughter would be waking up soon. I ended up sitting in the parking lot for another fifteen minutes before she did. I guess the lesson I learned today was that when my granddaughter takes a nap, so should I! She was full of energy and I was fading. She did not want to sit in the shopping cart because as she said, “I want to push too!” It was like a comedy routine of lots of starts and stops with the cart including some nearly missed collisions with other shopper’s carts. I was in a sweat by the time we got to the checkout.
I really enjoyed the CD so a big thank you Roz! If anyone wants to take a listen, check it out here.
I am off to bed…it is not even 11pm! Once again, a toddler has worn me out! She is single handedly getting me on a better schedule. 

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