Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

A Sad, Yet Angry Moon

(back blips start here)

A moon to pay tribute to the twelve people cut down at the US Navy Yard in the center of Washington, DC today, as well as the fourteen people who were wounded.  

My heart goes out to all of those affected by this act of senseless violence.  As to the shooter who was also killed during the rampage, I don't care what his motivation or whether he suffered from PTSD.  May he rot in hell.  I blame his family for not getting him the help he needed because they have been telling the press of his problems.  If they were so aware, they should rot in hell, too.  Contractors should be held accountable.   He had a history of violence, of shooting when he showed anger, and should never have been allowed on a military installation with any kind of clearance.

I also blame our elected officials  for not standing up to the gun lobby, Republicans and Democrats alike, for allowing people who have been convicted, even on minor crimes involving guns, from getting permits to obtain them.  Universal national background checks would be so EASY.  But then two legislators got recalled in Colorado for having the GALL for voting for common sense firearm regulation.

When will this  end???

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