
By savor

Oh Shoot!! a Photoshoot!

Oh Shoot!! a Photoshoot!

I met this guy at a reggae festival a few weeks ago along with a group of his friends. They were nice enough...I took a lot of photos of the event (been meaning to post). He asked if I could do a decent head shot of him for his website (he's a lawyer)..."of course" was my reply. It later occurred to me that I may have too much confidence...I was very nervous about my confidence level every since we scheduled a's the best one in my humble opinion. What do you think? This is SOTC I plan to do a little post-processing any suggestions?

What I learned: Photography takes a certain level of belief in one's self and one's ability and then you just have to take a leap of faith!! ...and hope that your equipment takes that leap with you (off camera flashes were a bit temperamental).

What I savor: My leap! It was releasing really. Now I have to believe that the photos are up to par.

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