new hope...

...for another day

when the sun will rise - and shine - again

amazing how that happens - just when you begin to think it might not - you turn around - there it is - the sun! blazing out - in all its glory... i declare - god is good, people - as weather forecasters predicted, which is not always reliable - the sun made an appearance today - as i left the house, with gracie in tow - headed to get her report card at the vet - we were greeted by a warm sunny morning - happy skippy dancing! well, for me - the diva, was just slightly put out - even though i had her in her brand new purple soft-sided kitty carrier - she was a sight, i'm telling you - resplendent in royal color - yet her mood was rather snippy - i would've posted her if she hadn't been quite so testy - and as a side note, her report card came back not as well as we'd have desired - she suffers from a hyper-thyroid which is causing her some trouble; she's lost weight, is a might poorly - this has brought undue stress to her mama but we have a plan to help her over the next months - i can't tolerate having her ill - she is my baby, after all...

but as with the rains stopping for the moment - the sun coming out - things will look up - we'll get it back on track - gracie is just as much the fighter - tenacious - as is the community in which we live - perhaps that's why she's so much the diva - my princess - and why we always know how to have...


happy day.....

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