
...'cuz everybody needs a hug

whether you give them away...

accept them...

or in this case - do the to thine own self be true thing - in taking care of yourself... because sometimes - there's simply no one around to help out... and doesn't it look like that's what this little flower is doing? i did another one of those now infamous double takes i'm known so well for... thinking to myself "self... that there flower - is hugging itself... i need to do that in taking care of me, more often..." really - it does appear that it's tiny blossom arms are all inter-twined around itself - the longer i stared at it, the more i wondered if it would eventually open up into some kind of full blown blossomed flower - or if this is it? it does have a certain exotic appeal to it - like you'd find it in japan or perhaps hawaii, not colorado... i've never seen one like it before - the orange standing out on a very overcast, temperature changing day - heralding the fall season...

mostly though... was the message portrayed - get out there and hug, people! hug your hubby... hug your wifey... hug your kids... if you're close to them, hug your neighbors or your co-workers... hug your pets - just hug away... hugs are good for you - they lift up your spirits... give you a warm fuzzy... help you feel like you belong and are worth something... one of the best things - is that when you give a hug, you get one back - boo! s0 go - go now... hug someone, people! and if you have no one, then via this post - consider yourself virtually hugged by me - in a big way... not one of those meek and mild, wimpy hugs - but a full on exhuberant hug - like i really mean it... those are the kind of hugs i give... remembering always - a hug a day - will make for...


happy day.....

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