
By scribbler

"You can be my blip"

Fr. Dick in navy blue at the Chinese restaurant. (SOOC, cropped.)

BLUE: DDW Sept 17 challenge by Anniemay

When my Catholic priest friend Fr. Dick showed up for lunch in a navy shirt I said, "Oh, good, you can be my blip." He smilingly obliged.

It's hard to be blue around Dick. He is cheerful, humble, and smart as a whip. It has been my privilege to know him for fifteen years, first as priest, then as pal, and for the past few years as writing buddy, during which time he has published a memoir, a book of fiction, and several booklets of daily reflections for Lent and Advent. That's in addition to his job as chaplain at a retirement community, plus various other ministries that come his way. Not too shabby for a 76-year-old.

I brought Dick my latest published story. He gave me a packet of note cards he had made from his own photographs of Queen Anne's lace and other flowers, with one knockout photo of sparkling blue Crater Lake. We shared some serious reflections and lots of giggles. The food wasn't great, but the company was. This was a special anniversary in my Christian life, and I couldn't think of anyone better to spend it with.

God bless Fr. Dick, and may he continue to thrive and share his wisdom and sweetness with the world.

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