
By SomethingAwful

Take me to the ball game

Slept in a bit today, not intentionally, probably partly due to the Greek marathon.
T wasn't feeling so well so J and I stayed in with her for a bit, then down to a cool cafe / ice cream place called Skoops nearby, great salad. Saw a leaflet in there for an 'LGBT-friendly car mechanic', which just made me laugh so much.

In the evening A took me to a ball game. Denver Rockies vs St Louis Cardinals. Rockies lost but I had such a good evening - got to learn all about the game, watch it, binge on fatty fried foods and Coors light, chat about everything, and generally feel like I was having a genuine American experience. #tourist, am I right?

Now A is getting started on GTA5 while I watch skeptically... man, it's been so hyped! Never could get enthusiastic about these things.

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