
By SomethingAwful

Twist and Shout / Tattered Cover

A dropped me at these two shops - both independent, the former a huuuuge music store and the latter a pretty big book shop.
Spent about two hours in both. Spent about a lot of money. Cool people working in the record store. I want that to be my life.

Then to an awesome pub type place called Punch Bowl Social, really big and had all sorts of arcade games, food wasn't bad either.

Then A left and I wandered around Broadway for a bit. Didn't actually go into this shop but it was the only decent picture I had. Loads of cool clothes shops, book/comic book shops. Had an ice cream at Sweet Action, met J and T who got their own cups too, and then tried unsuccessfully to find J a dress at a couple of pretty shweet clothes stores...

Back for dinner in the garden, for a special reason. Little more Greek, little more GTA (not me).

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