My best laid plan ...............

............. was scuppered by British Airways (plans can be scuppered by other airlines that are available).

I normally fly to Italy with Alitalia and they fly right over the island where the Costa Concordia was very sadly grounded last year - I had big plans of a photo of it with all the salvage equipment around it ..... got the perfect seat on the plane only to find that BA fly much further to the east than Alitalia - as the pilot announced

"..... for those of you sitting on the right-hand-side of the plane that very small, white blob you can see in the far distance is the Costa Concordia ...."

... he was right, it was a VERY small, white blob! I didn't even bother trying to get a shot with my point and shoot.

Instead you get an aerial view of Orbetello, Italy which is located about 90 miles (145 kms) north of Rome. I have had to tweak it a little as it was hazy and the plane window was not that clean (inside or out) ..... I do wish that plane cleaners understood the needs of blippers!!!!

Could be worth a click ..............

Thank you all sooooooooo much for the stars and comments on the "600 shield bug" on Monday ....... he waved madly back at you with his little antennae after he saw how popular he became.


SONY DSC-HX5V : f/4 : 1500" : 6mm : ISO 125

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