A Pain in the Ass

I was going to call this photo "Memory of a Martha Stewart Moment, " but the above title really fits better...with both the photo and my day.

I made this table cloth over a year ago for my daughter's third birthday party, which was a "pink pony" theme (her request). I found some cute plates with pink cowgirls, made pink pony cupcakes, had the kids find hidden ponies. I went all out (only to find out after the fact that she meant "My Little Pony." I felt bad, but not all that bad.)

So I got the idea for this tablecloth from Martha Stewart. I sewed together 24 bandannas and figured I could always use this again when we have a barbecue. After eight 3-year-olds decimated the cupcakes and smeared ice cream all over the place, I just tossed this in the wash. It's been in my cupboard, folded but un-ironed for over a year.

We had some friends over for a cookout today, so I got this out and tried to iron it. As I said...at first it was a memory of a Martha Stewart moment but it quickly turned into a pain in the ass. This thing, with all of its seams, took over 30 minutes to iron. And it was in the 90s (32C) today. And I was cursing Martha Stewart for the last 28 minutes of my chore. (As you can see, I didn't even do a very good job of ironing it!)

Speaking of pains in the ass... Today I was stung by a bee. Guess where. We had a good laugh until I started having tightness in my throat and chest, so off to the emergency room we went. I have never been allergic to anything -- not even poison ivy -- so it was kind of a bummer to learn I'm now allergic to bee stings :( It was a mild systemic reaction, so I feel lucky. But I will have to carry an EpiPen with me now, which I hope will not be yet another pain in the you-know-what.

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