Harvey and the stick

Today dawned drizzly and grey. No horse-riding, which was disappointing. Maybe next weekend.

Cousteau and I got up at 9.30 am and then went for a walk with JL and the hounds. This is Harvey with his very large stick. He carried if for pretty much the whole walk and was very protective of it. My new lens came out for about 5 photos, this was one of them.

We got home at 2.00 pm. Quick change of clothes and off out again for my massage.

I forced myself to relax for a whole hour on the massage table. Turns out I gave myself whiplash when I smacked my head on the window last weekend. All very sore.

Then off to Confession and Mass.

Gave Cousteau tea at a friend's house, where he could stretch his legs. Then quick tea and home by 10 pm.

Tomorrow I will allow myself some down time. I really need it.

Happy Birthday to my big sister. 37 today. Have a good one, R. =)


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