Hip, hip....


So glad work is over for today. Don't get me wrong; I love my Wednesday job, the girls (and boss!) are a great bunch. In the last week though, patients have turned into absolute jerks!!!

Luckily (or not, decide amongst yourselves) I think we have all had to deal with at least one jerk today, so at least it wasn't just me bearing the brunt.
Reception is the usual starting point for trouble but today things escalated into the surgery too.

Why people think its acceptable to rock up late I'll never know, but they don't half stamp their feet when told they cannot be seen. It's incomprehensible to most, that appointments are a specific length for a reason; and policy is usually that if a patient arrives after half the time has elapsed (so 10 minutes late for a 20 minute appointment etc) they have to rebook.
Exceptions are made occasionally, especially when it's evident that a patient has genuinely rushed to get to their appointment. They are usually profusely apologetic. Today's latecomers however swanned in like they had all day, then blamed everyone else for their lateness.

Today also presented us with the know alls; people with absolutely no dental knowledge but apparently over qualified in telling us how things should be done.

I had a patient refuse treatment, then complain I'd wasted his time. He went on to complain about pretty much everything with a littering of f-words for good measure.

We've had several threats of 'well I'll take my custom elsewhere' today, just because they didn't get their own way. Well you know what....if you're going to be rude then please do!

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