Life with The Pinks

By suzypink


Is where I spent this evening, helping with Baptism prep.

It's been a busy day, I feel like I'm trying to catch up with all the jobs I didn't do in the school holidays. And soon it will be Christmas - agh!!

Miss Pink has been full of chatter today and had a great time at school this morning; "we did French, we sang a song about a windmill and we did counting up to ten. And we made bread like the little red hen, we had to pull the dough and then squish it all up. Now it's going to rise. Yeast makes it rise. My bread was like a little bouncy ball. I played with Aidan today. We had assembly, and guess what? Miss Jennings did assembly. I saw Daniel in assembly (her friends brother). And I played on the slide."

While I was cooking tea she decided to do some "tricks" and put on a performance of tricks she could with a cup and ball she had found.

Master Pink is very tired this evening, and didn't really move from the sofa all afternoon. But he had lots of cuddles for me straight after school.
He mostly did "don't remember" at school, but later he told me that they did French, played in the church role play area, and had PE. His snack of choice was chocolate milkshake!

Oh and I've officially booked my first craft fair. Eek!

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