the train journey - day 2

Lance's story is amazing. Has a movie been made on that? I would be surprised if nobody thought of making a movie out of the story of his life. Will pick up the other book - "Into thin air". My fellow passenger saw me reading he book and asked if I am interested in the hills. "Yes" was the obvious answer. I came to know that he had done the basic mountaineering course and has done some amount of climbing during his days. He asked whether I have seen the movie "Vertical limit (which in fact farside very strongly recommended to me about a week ago). I said no, and then he went on to narrate the entire plot of he movie to me. He was taking immense pride and pleasure in telling me that he has seen the movie and remembers the entire story. But what he wasn't realizing that he was spoiling the fun for me as I was planning to borrow the movie from farside once I get back to Hyderabad. I didn't try to ask him to stop as I knew it would have been futile.

I spent quite a bit of the journey standing/sitting at the gate instead of my seat. Traveling in the train at the gate has its own charm and that's how most of the journeys were made when I was younger. You feel the gust of wind in your hair and also get to see the world around the railway lines. I tried to capture some random shots of places (mostly fields) around the railway tracks and thought it would be best to put up a collage. So here's what you expect to see if you ever take a long train journey in India.

Reached Kolkata. Nothing much has changed. One thing I hate about this city is the weather. Hot, humid - it just sucks!

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