Making Rainbows

• A simple project for entertainment.
• A rainbow.
• One grandson, one hose, one camera.
• A reflection of light in water droplets.
• A multicolored arc appearing opposite of the sun.
• Success!

Yes, we both ended up soaking wet! However, am I the best grandmother in the WORLD today? You bet! After this, we made airplanes out of tin foil. Hey, anyone can make the paper ones. Ours were awesome and shiny.
It was a long day starting at 5 a.m. when my granddaughter woke up and said ‘I want to go in the kitchen Mimi.’ After spending four hours of quality time (haha) , she went to the sitter’s for a while and I went to art class and my book club meeting. Then it was time to pick up my grandson from kindergarten. Before long, the house was full again. It looks as if I had a dozen pre-school kids in my house it’s such a mess. Were there squabbles? Oh yes! Was there laughter? Yes most definitely. Is Mimi tired? Oh God yes! Goodnight!

“Life is like a rainbow. You need both the sun and the rain to make its colors appear.” - unknown

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